Incoming Students

Now that you have been accepted to Evergreen, learn more about how to get ready for your first quarter with us. We can't wait to welcome you!

Understanding Admission

What does it mean to be accepted?

Being Accepted

We will inform you of your acceptance by letter and/or email and what transcripts are needed and when. Contact Admissions if you have any questions about your transcripts.

Accepting Your Offer

To accept your offer of admission and commit to attending Evergreen, submit the $250 tuition deposit no later than the date listed on your admit letter or email. Pay your deposit online through your My Evergreen account, by mail or in person.

Moving Application to Another Quarter

If your circumstances have changed and you would like to enroll at Evergreen for a future quarter, call or email Admissions for instructions. You can only move your application once and it has to happen before the 10th day of the quarter you were originally admitted to start in.

Canceling or Withdrawing Your Application

We want you here! But if your plans have changed and they do not include Evergreen, inform us of your decision so that we can free up space for someone else. Once we cancel or withdraw your application, we retain the records for three years, so we’ll happily welcome you back when the time is right. Contact Admissions for instructions on reapplying to Evergreen.

Activate Your Accounts

My Evergreen, Email, Registration

Check Your Email

You'll receive activation instructions from at the personal email you provided in your application. Once your Evergreen email is set up, this will be your primary way to communicate with Evergreen offices, staff, and faculty and how we will communicate with you.

Activate Your My Evergreen Account


Check Your Financial Awards

Financial Aid, FAFSA/WAFSA, Scholarships

Dig Deep for Financial Aid and Scholarships

We encourage all students to apply for financial aid every year to help to reduce tuition costs. Financial aid comes in the form of grants, loans, scholarships, tuition waivers, work study and tax credits.

Once Evergreen receives your FAFSA and WAFSA, we will review your information to determine eligibility. We will contact you if we need any additional information.

We will notify you by email when you have an award. We will send you instructions on how to accept your financial aid and get started on the next steps of your academic journey.

Pay Your Deposit

Pay your deposit to claim your spot!

Ready to claim your place at Evergreen?

Your non-refundable tuition deposit will reserve your seat and clear the way for you to select your programs once registration opens.

Log In to My Evergreen