Nurture our world

We believe in making the communities where we operate better places to live, work and visit.

To support the resiliency and sustainable development of these communities, we invest in the vitality of their children and natural resources, as well as deliver aid and support, especially in times of need.

Vitality of Children

Two little girls playing

Vitality of Children

Essential to every community’s long-term stability and success is the vitality of its children. We mobilize our guests and associates to provide support to a select group of nonprofit organizations leading the way in supporting children around the world.

goal 17, partnerships for the goals

Our Impact Related links

Community Engagement

Four kitchen staff packing food.

Community Engagement

“Serve Our World” is one of our core values and guides how we do business. Through volunteerism, fundraising, cash and in-kind donations, our hotels and associates worldwide are impassioned to do good in their communities and make a meaningful impact.

goal 17, partnerships for the goals Goal 1, no poverty goal 2, zero hunger goal 3, good health and well-being goal 4, quality education goal 5, gender equality goal 6, clean water and sanitation goal 8, decent work and economic growth goal 11, sustainable cities and communities goal 13, climate action goal 14, life below water goal 15, life on land goal 16, peace and justice strong institutions goal 17, partnerships for the goals

Our Impact